Genomic Services have become very popular and accesible in the last years, SOMOS has built different reference panels using genetic data from populations that represent genetic diversity at the continental & regional level. Among them, we have included for the first time native populations from Latin America. As you know, many of the populations of Latin America are a mixture of the native groups that inhabited this territory and the individuals who arrived to this continent after 1492, in particular, from Europe and Africa

Now it´s possible to discover your deep regional ancestry from Latin America


Genetics 1o1

Humans are 99.5% similar in their genetic code. That small percentage makes each one of us unique and genetic variations are the ones responsible for those changes. Skin color, height, eye color and all of the different carachteristics from your body, personality, etc.; are determined by your genetic blueprint and the dynamic interaction with the environment and your surroundings.
SNP´s (single nucleotide polymorphism) are genetic variations present in every human´s genome and are quantifiable through different techniques in sequencing and genotyping laboratories.


Where do we humans
come from?

All humans share a common origin somewhere in southeastern Africa where our species originated approximately 200 thousand years ago. Starting from a common ancestor, which all primates (including humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, etc.), our species began to differentiate and acquired anatomical and cognitive characteristics that distinguish it from the rest. This group is known as the modern human population. For thousands of years humans Modernists remained in Africa, but about 70,000 years ago a group left from that continent in search of new lands and that is how the world began to populate. Anthropological evidence suggests that the exit from Africa occurred through the Middle East and that, following a coastal route, humans reached Southeast Asia and even Australia and Melanesia about 50-60 thousand years ago.


How does it work

It all starts with the cells that can be recovered from your saliva sample and, which contain your genetic information. The first step in our analysis is to extract and isolate the DNA from your cells. These molecules are then amplified, that means that we make a lot of copies. This process is important to make sure we have your information with the highest quality and quantity possible, free of any contamination.


SOMOS is different

Our ancestry test differs from other commercial tests because we include Latin American populations and provide you with how much of your genome resembles these populations.


What comes next after getting my genome analyzed?

By having more users on our database, we can understand and discover more insights about Health, disease risk, wellbeing, response to drugs, nutrition, etc.
We are working to offer you these new services in the coming months, follow us on our on our website and social media for updates.



Want to know more about some Scientific terms?
Please read the glossary and if there are any further doubts you need to solve, please contact us through social media or by email.